professional medical team

Here to help

The COVID-19 pandemic brings up huge challenges in our daily lives and future.

It’s also changing the way we work. We are all gearing up to continue our work remotely where possible. Companies across the globe are doing their best to adapt.

We’re in this together and it’s crucial we all step up and help out.

Effective immediately, Knowingo is making its platform available for all organizations to support their internal COVID-19 awareness and knowledge sharing.

We hope this gesture empowers each of you to move forward during this difficult time.

Trans Skills & Knowingo Team

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Why it matters

The knowledge and behavior of your people is the first line of defense – at home and at work. Making relevant knowledge accessible is vital.

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Relevant content

Teaching employees your company specific COVID-19 protocol, policies and advice will make a difference. Start with our ready-made COVID-19 awareness content.

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Effective learning

Employees need an easy and effective way to internalize knowledge, one that takes minutes, rather than hours. One that motivates them to learn.

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Instant feedback

Making mistakes is an opportunity to learn more. Correcting misconceptions about important topics like COVID-19, immediately, is crucial.

Step 1

Create your Account

Step 2

Download the Mobile App

Step 3

Login and start Learning

We help you roll out COVID-19 awareness training to all your employees.